Browsing Tag


He stands in front of me in church, in the very front row, singing exuberantly.

His left hand grasps a notebook of song lyrics while his right hand waves in jubilation. His voice is loud and clear, his praise bold. And I can’t help but smile.

Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!

I love watching him worship. I’m mundane in comparison, holding the lyrics tightly to my ribs, losing my place now and then and growing silent as my mind wanders, tentatively striving for perfect pitch when it doesn’t.

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I’m thinking more about heaven these days.

What if I really lived with heaven in mind? What if heaven was my ultimate bucket list item, and all I did revolved around getting ready?

And then what if the reality of heaven really affected how I engaged with other people? What if I looked at everyone I talked to as someone with whom my interaction would move one step closer to or further away from heaven?

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She smiles the whole time, even as cancer ravages her body. She smiles and sings. Her smile is alight with hope as she gazes on us from her front stoop, backlit by the warmth of her home.

We shiver and sing in the bitter wind, standing on the frozen grass.

I glance around, surrounded by a ragtag crowd whose voices warm the cold air. Neighbors, co-laborers, pastors, friends. All united in love for her. I wonder if all standing there know the only One who can comfort.

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